Blood pressure is a silent killer

Lifestyle changes are also necessary with medicine

Blood pressure 

Blood pressure has become a common disease of modern times which is called silent killer in simple words it is called blood pressure in English and blood pressure in Urdu it is a disease that can cause many other dangerous diseases.  If I share my experience from student life till now, I have seen that people take medicine, but more importantly, there is a change in lifestyle notification, in which we are far behind.

As many chronic diseases as blood pressure .Life modification is very important in this. 

Lifestyle Modification in Blood Pressure consists of five or six factors depending on what food you eat. If you want to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you can take dairy feed. This not only lowers blood pressure but also lowers the rate by cancer in the body. Avoid other chronic diseases.

Blood pressure is a silent killer 

At the same time, the body's immune system is strengthened. Everyone in Corona says take this dose to boost immunity.  Although such a diet should be a part of our normal life, if you are overweight and lose weight, your blood pressure will drop automatically by one to two millimeters of mercury. If we lower your blood pressure by two millimeters of mercury.  Stroke and heart attack deaths are reduced by about seven to ten percent. I think it is important to mention one more thing here.  Do the housework Brother along with his work you must walk in the open air for at least thirty minutes. When we go about our daily routine, our mind is not refreshed, but something is going on in it, but while walking in the park, your mind is completely refreshed, so I would prefer Treadmill Pak for all of you.  Take time out Take half an hour for yourself People who can't do 30 minutes continuously due to old age or illness can do it intermittently. I tell the patients to walk the picture of the third word after the prayer. Doing so will make you walk for ten minutes.


Must walk in the open air for at least 30 minutes daily.You have to walk 10,000 steps a day or walk 150 minutes a week 70% of people do not even know that their blood pressure is elevated.Blood pressure is a disease in which 70% of people are unaware that their blood pressure is elevated.  They keep ignoring it. Blood pressure should normally be 120 above and 80 mm below Mercury below, but if the upper is 120 to 29, it is called elevator blood pressure, then 123 to 139 blood pressure falls into the category of hypertension.  Then comes the stage which is above 140 and 90. If it is above one hundred and sixty then it is called stage two hypertension. Remember that fast pre-hypertensive lifestyle can modify.

In addition to salt, bakery products should be eaten sparingly. Instead of bread, eat simple home-made bread

Blood pressure is important to our eating style. Three things are very important in food. A normal person can take six grams of salt a day, but a patient with high blood pressure should take less salt than that. I have especially noticed that  Our people also reduce salt but they do not know They also contain salt, for example, all baking products contain sodium, so take home-made plain bread instead of salt as well as bakery products.  Baked bread and too much salt in them Smoking is also a major factor that leads to high blood pressure as well as heart disease and lung cancer.

Prolonged high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and cataracts.If your blood pressure is above 155 and below 75 and stays high for a long time then there is a risk of heart attack and stroke and loss of sight. Allah Almighty has given man the brain to know how to avoid these things.  So everyone has to come and he is right, his time is also fixed, but Allah has also said that I am responsible for what you do, even in any developed country of the world, blood pressure is not 100 percent controlled, but  In Pakistan, the rate is even lower, ie they are on patients with high blood pressure because their blood pressure is not controlled. We had a study around 2005 which showed that blood pressure in Pakistan is well controlled.  The rate is less than 3%. What happens now is that many times the patient has a headache, so he takes the pain pill himself, even though the headache was due to high blood pressure.  Before taking any kind of pain pill, you must consult your doctor. If the headache pill is sodium best, then the headache will be cured temporarily.  If someone has joint pain, they take three painkillers a day.

Healthy food in blood pressure disease 

There are a large number of people in Pakistan who inadvertently use indigenous and homeopathic medicines. When the case worsens, they come to the doctor and use these medicines which mostly contain steroids.  The first dose of which makes the patient's mood worse and he says that the first dose made a difference but after two or three weeks his joint pain increases even more. His mood is fresh.  It starts, that is, the side effects of the satellite begin to appear. I don't believe in taking any medicine that has no research on it. There is a research behind allopathic medicine.  There are side effects whereas when a doctor adjusts the dose of a medicine, the side effects are very small or non-existent. If you do not know what is inside a medicine then you  How to take it. It is true that every medicine has some side effects. If someone says that there are no side effects, then  He lies. Whatever he gives, he gives according to your disease, which has at least some side effects, such as kidney damage due to diabetes. Medication should always be taken on the advice of a qualified doctor and not from a physician. The cause of blood pressure in 90 to 95% of people is not known which we call essential hypertension. This is the blood pressure that usually occurs in people.  Percentage of people with secondary hypertension for which the cause is known. As blood pressure rises during pregnancy, we call it tension on the high end of pregnancy. Pregnancy ends. Blood pressure also ends. Treating the underlying cause eliminates secondary hypertension without any known cause.  It is important to take long-term medication. If you do not do this, there will be long-term low blood pressure attacks, such as stroke, heart failure, heart failure, kidney failure or vision loss. To avoid all the side effects of high blood pressure, it is important that you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, do not smoke, lose weight, eat less salt, and change your lifestyle. Keep yourself free from chronic stress and don't let your cholesterol and uric acid go too high. If you have diabetes, control your blood sugar and get all your illnesses treated by a qualified doctor. Similarly, blood pressure.  It is important that you take regular medical checkups and take the medicine prescribed by your doctor to keep all the efforts to control it. Blood pressure is a silent killer and we have to live with it which requires you to change your lifestyle, adopt a simple life, eat simple food and eat at home, eat less market food.  Reduce salt intake Avoid greasy foods and make exercise your routine Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.

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